Real Estate Wholesaling Syndicate

Virtual Real Estate Strategies with Dave Zajdzinski

Ky Logue Season 1 Episode 53

In this insightful episode of the Real Estate Wholesaling Syndicate podcast, host Ky Logue sits down with Dave Zajdzinski, a seasoned real estate professional with over 20 years of experience. Dave shares his unique approach to real estate, emphasizing the importance of leverage and freedom in building a successful business. 

Listeners will learn about Dave's journey from aspiring medical student to real estate mogul, his innovative strategies for maximizing leverage, and his philosophy on living life to the fullest. Dave discusses the use of virtual assistants, the power of pre-framing client interactions, and his revolutionary model for virtual real estate transactions. This episode is packed with actionable advice for real estate professionals looking to scale their business while maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

This episode is a must-listen for real estate professionals looking to enhance their business operations, leverage technology and virtual assistants, and ultimately create a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Tune in for practical insights and strategies from two industry experts!

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 Yeah, I'll show you how to get it. But you have to be willing to do the work for the syndicate. It's a motherfucking movement. It's a circle. You ain't gotta be perfect as long as you gotta put the work in. If when it comes to the bullshit, you will learn, you will love. You just might be my kind of person. Welcome to the syndicate. Where real estate wholesaling is, where the business is. Ain't gotta fuck about it when you're out here living. If you want to get in there. And welcome to the. Are. Well, welcome to the syndicate. Let's go, let's go. Welcome to the syndicate. Get going. So hey guys, you're listening to another episode of the Real Estate Wholesaling Syndicate podcast, where we give you real tactical information and how you can take your business to the next level. And today, I am very excited to bring this guest on today. And so he can share a story, some of the cool stuff that he's doing, I don't really see anybody else talking about. Uh, so today we have Dave Z with us. Dave, thank you so much for joining us today, man. Yeah, man, I appreciate you having me on. I know I'm not the world's biggest wholesaler, but hopefully I can bring some value with what I've been doing the last 20 years. I love that man. Yeah. I think, you know, really, my whole strategy is looking at what other people are doing, and I'm always looking for gold nuggets and different things I can take away and implement, and sometimes even other industries completely outside of real estate, you can find things you can apply. So but I love it. Um, so I know we talked a bit and shared some of the stuff we were doing. I didn't want to get too in-depth for it because I kind of wanted to learn on our conversation today more about what you're doing. Um, but before we kind of get into all the fun stuff, do you want to give us a quick intro on on who Dave G is? Yeah, for sure. So, uh, first foremost married father of five. I got four daughters, uh, a son. And I've been doing real estate for 20 years, so they've had to watch their dad, you know. Be in this grind their whole childhood. And a lot of what I'll talk about today is how I wanted to be so fully present with these kids and still do a lot of real estate and the challenges I've had. But 20 years of doing this thought I was going to go to med school so much college, um, and just took a different turn thanks to my wife who was like, do you are you are you going to medicine because you, like, I have a passion for you want to make money? I'm like, I just want to make money. She's like, don't do it. And you know, by 26 we had three rental properties. So we really dove into that. And, uh, I've sold about a half $1 billion of real estate, sold about 1500 houses. Uh, went from being a solo agent to a team of 13 back down to a very lean solo agent with a ton of leverage. So that is like my that's my world is leverage. How do we leverage out all this stuff we don't like to do? And really, what the player we were talking about before we went live here, like I might take some kids to Disney here. You know, we just we were in Italy for two weeks. Like, I just want to get on a plane and travel and live it now. And so how do I how do I sell a lot of real estate and not have to be in the state of Arizona? So we talk about that. But that's that's me in a nutshell I love that. Yeah. Because I feel like that's really the goal. So everyone gets into entrepreneurship or whatever they get into is for, you know, freedom. And it is. But I feel like so, so many people are just waiting once I hit this milestone or once I get to the certain level of income, or once, you know, I hire these people and it's always another thing. So there's always another milestone and it feels like then one day you just you die and it could be tomorrow you die, dude, or you lose your health, like, right. I was just in a three day conference that I did know I was getting into. It was good. Um, he actually the speaker spoke at event I was at. I thought he was dynamic. I'm like, I want to go to his three day event. Well, little did I know, it's like 8 a.m. till midnight, dude. Every night. And we went deep into like it was NLP, personal development. Like knowing your why and when you're in a room with 300 people from eight to midnight, we're all sharing you. The overwhelming why was I want better relationships, I want to I want to love myself more. I want deeper relationships. And you're right, dude, everyone's just waiting to get to this destination. And, uh, it's funny. I spoke to a client. I've helped her buy, like, 13 houses. She's worth, like, 15 million, and she's still working. And I just asked her straight up. I'm like, what would you do if you had two days to live? Are you going to go back to work? You're going to work double shifts owning your own business. She's just right. This is how she's wired. She's like, oh, Dave, I'd go. I'd go see my sister in Peru and I'd go see this family member, this family member, and, and I just I was like, listen, I think you're probably worth 15 million. I'm taking a stab at it. You think you're going to run out of that money in the next five years? Ten years when you have like the perfect triangle of like time, money and health, now is your window because one of those is going to go away. And there was a gal who I sat next to me a lot at this event. She's 57. All she wanted her why was to be not being pain anymore. And her ankle swollen and scarred up. And she's had all these surgeries and she's in daily pain. And dude, we're. So when we're living in that triangle of like, health, time and money, you never know how long that's going to last. So that's kind of my Mo is my wife's like really want to do Disney again? I'm like, well what if in a week I can't. Right. So there's this like go live it now. As long as you have the money, as long as you have the systems in place. Because I really take that approach. Like I could be like her and I've been there. I've had five back surgeries where I'm like, I can't go to Disney unless I'm in a scooter. Like, my kids had to watch me be on a scooter, right? And they're like, that's so embarrassing. I'm like, my back won't handle it. So. So that's really of how I've designed my business is how can I do this now? Right. So that so hopefully some people who are listening can take away how to do that. So because I've been pretty innovative in the residential real estate to be able to do that I love that. Yeah. So let's dive into it so people can start doing it because I think that's the whole thing. And um, really, I feel like if you're like Dave's client, you're listening. You're probably not, uh, he's probably most of our audience is newer people. But, I mean, you can still even if you're not there, you can still be present, like, you know, do things with your family now and just do things now because you just again tomorrow is not promise. So just making sure, you know, you're keeping keeping your wife at the forefront and then just making sure you're not waiting for this imaginary date or timeline for to start doing things. Yeah. I love it, man. Yeah. Let's, uh, let's talk about what? What is leverage mean to you? For sure? Yeah. So, and one thing I'm gonna throw out there is a book that changed my life was, uh, if you ever read the book Die with Zero. No, dude, that's. That book changed my life. Die with zero. Now it's written by a guy with a ton of money. Like he gets into his birthday story. Like, for his birthday. He was a Wall Street guy. He flew in like a major band, a band we've all heard of. He paid for everybody to fly out to the islands, paid for their suite. So we're talking a multimillion dollar birthday event, so it's not for poor people. So when you die with zero, it's about die, like knowing your number. All right. I need 10,000,000in 12 million. You get you. But but you stop as soon as you can if you enjoyed along the way. So, like our trip to Italy, I'll be able to think of for the rest of my life. If I waited till I was 70. What am I going to? You know what I mean? Like it's so it's about banking these memories now. And once I got really in tune with that, it helps you figure stuff out. You're like, so how do I live that life? How do I design it? So what leverage means to me, because I've done it so many different ways, is I wanted maximum leverage with maximum freedom. And the way I attain that is through. My biggest key is virtual assistance in the Philippines. Okay. Because when I had a team of 13 in America, I'd be taking them to Disneyland. I would be pouring into them. And it's not that I don't pour into my people over there, but it's a different relationship, like when we're in the same city and we can go to happy hour tomorrow. Uh, or you could pop by my house because I was very open. I mean, I had 24 year olds in my house crying, right? Because I just kind of. I love to pour into people. But when you set these boundaries of, like, you're not. And again, we're talking residential residential real estate. So these are a lot of realtors, right. Or vendors, you just get into a different relationship. So I wanted I wanted help without deep relationships. And I think if you're running a team, even wholesalers, right. Like you just get into this like family style setting, right? We're like, dude, we're like a family. It's great until it starts to like, step on your real family, right where the kids are like, you're going to Disney for the fourth time with your team. I'm like, oh, it's a great team building event, right? And so I was getting leveraged with a ton of restrictions and a ton of time, and I was pouring into people. So I said, you know what? I'm gonna stop pouring into, like, young realtors. And I started hiring the help that I needed. And it was such a clear relationship. Like, I pay you a very good wage for the Philippines, and you do this work. And once the clock is off, we're done. And so what it allowed me to do is like stack people's schedules to where I have continual coverage for what I need. Without having to ask people to go the extra mile and do things for me. So, you know, if you look at the traditional real estate team, the way we're taught in like the book, like Gary Keller and all these books is like, Become a Rainmaker gets so busy that you can hire people, and then you get a buyer's agent, a listing coordinator, and a director of ops and all of these. But that leverage is super expensive. One it's American based salaries, too. You're giving up commissions. So there was a time where I stepped out of production and all I was was running the company, but I was given up so much of the compensation. Right. And so now fast forward to today. I keep about 96% of the commission with buyers that I never meet in person. I never open a door. Well, if you're a wholesaler like I've, I've converted not converted, but I've, I've, I've worked with like just all off market people. They're like all I do is off market. I'm like, cool. What if we could get you an extra? Like, what if you were passing up 15 transactions just because you control this inventory, just because you have people that are coming and going and you've got these houses, or you have people in your life like, hey, man, you're in real estate. Like, no, that's not really what I do. What I do is this. So I've coached off market experts to pick up an extra two, 200 and $300,000 of deals that were just slipping through their fingers. And by showing them, hey, you don't have to go to the property, you actually don't have to be in Arizona. So I'm booking hopefully a trip here. Like once we get off this call, I was like, the last thing I'm doing today. I have four buyers going out to look at properties today, but not with me. So my leverage became like. Do the work, but let's not get intimately involved. Right? And so it would be like any other company. It'd be like, you know, obviously we're not on this scale right now. I don't mean to compare it, but can you imagine if Elon Musk had to know the intimate lives of every Tesla employee? It would be unmanageable, right? So he has leverage. Jeff Bezos has massive leverage, but he's detached from just a few core people. And I think that's what we can run as realtors is more of a distribution. So I'll probably confusing your your listeners. I want to go like kind of into my model. Yeah. Let's do it. Yeah. What's kind of and it's kind of break down the if you could do like the traditional model like how real estate, real estate like how it looks for traditional one and then how you flip the script on it. Yeah for sure. So like when I was a solo agent, once I hit about 50 some units, I was great money. But you're gone. Your kids are like, who's that guy again? Right? Because you got to figure if you're going to, you're going to sell 50 residential transactions. The average realtor is going to have to meet with 120 to 150 people. Or like Dave, I want to work with you. Yeah, we're we're we're definitely going to work with you. Show them houses. Like, you know what? We got transferred to Oklahoma, you know, hey, our credit didn't come through. So to get 50 across the finish line, I mean, just think of the volume. You have to you have to do so. You're you're maxed out around 50 before you're losing your life. So I got to that point and then they're like, go build a team. This is what every major brokerage is going to teach you. And you typically start to bring on other realtors to hand those deals off, like, hey, Kai is moving to Arizona. I need you to work with him because I'm busy over here. So in the like, if you go by the Gary Keller millionaire, really real estate agent, like the Maria book, it's going to teach you to start adding, you know, your assistants, your coordinators, but then to really go big, you're adding realtors. And that's what I did. So I grew that to 13. And great. I got freedom back. But here's what nobody will tell you is when you build that out, you're going to start keeping about 10% of the total deal. You're going to bring in $4 million and keep 400 grand, or your typical realtors bring in a million and keep like 100 grand. And they're like, where did all my money go? You know, you start giving 50% to the realtors that you're paying staff, you're paying ads. And when all shakes out, you know, everybody's trying to chase a 30% net. Very few people do it. Like when I audit their business. I got a coaching call with a new agent on Monday. I need this, pal. I need his tax returns. Like I want to see what's going on in. The average realtor is not keeping what they need to once they start to leverage through other people in the in the current system. Right. So the you're handing off deals like I need you to work this Saturday. So for that you keep 50%, I keep 50. But my business expenses are 35% of the net. Right. So I only keep it 15% maybe. Right. So that's the traditional. So what I did once Covid hit was got rid of all those people. And the the key. The the two key components are virtual assistants in the Philippines that mimic me. So if you are you and I are working together like I just saw it this morning, I can kind of keep an eye on it. Somebody said, Dave, we're in town. We like we talked about two weeks ago, we want to go see these four properties, my virtual assistants, and they take shifts. So I've like seven day a week coverage, said Kai. I got your message. I see these are the forums you want to see. Tell me exactly what time I saw you responded at noon. Great. We'll set it up. Those schedule the showings for me. This is what I can teach wholesalers to do those, schedule the showings, and then we have 1500 realtors in the Valley that will show homes for 40 bucks a door. And it's a national company called Xiaomi. So if you're listening out there, like Google showed me, that company is owned by a guy named Matt Kuchar. They've got about 125,000 agents that have signed up for their service. They will open up a door within an hour's notice. So when I console people, I just did one yesterday. I was like, this is what I do on your pilot. I fly the airplane, but I don't serve the drinks, I don't gas it up and I don't load the luggage. And because I don't do that, I can sell a lot more real estate. So you know what's going on in the market better than the average realtor. I'm going to guide you and empower you to make a decision, but you're going to go see home seven days a week. Never get the word no for me. You have any Realtors have to tell their clients no. Oh, I'm out of town. Oh, I'm out with another client. Oh, like I have soccer practice, so the consumers just get sick of hearing. No, that's why they go to Zillow and they click on see this home now. Right. So if you can position yourself as a go see this home on demand seven days a week and I'm your expert negotiator, I will tell you, you'll bat about 99.99% where the consumers like that's what we want. Ivy. I can think of like one time in two years someone's like, oh yeah, if you're not going to be at every show me, then I want to work with you. That was like one out of hundreds and hundreds of closed escrows. Most of them say that would be amazing. So once I was able to pair that together. I was literally able to step out of the business in the busy work. And I use the analogy of like Starbucks, we've all been to Starbucks, or at least we know what they are. My saying is like, stay at the cash register and the cash register is where the money is made. It's on the phone, it's doing consultations, it's lead generating, and it's prospecting. And you just don't go transact the real estate. You let other licensed realtors open the door. You let your virtual assistants manage that. You stay focused on your soul mission. So here's what's crazy. Like this is what I've figured out in my business. If I set one appointment a day and that's all I do except for my consults, I can sell 90 houses in a year. That's a lot of coin. I mean, it's a it's a seven figure business. If you're like, today, all I'm doing is setting a new appointment, and then I'll let those appointments go, see houses with other people, and you could scale it like crazy. I've had as many as eight buyers out at once. How would you do that in any other setting? Right, right. What? You. What? You clearly articulate your value to the consumer. My value is this. It's negotiating, getting the best terms, making sure this goes smoothly. No anxiety for you on demand with me, you can always get Ahold of me and somebody else does the showing and they agree to it. You can work with as many people as you want and it's it's variable versus hiring salary people. So we have a variable business like in wholesale off market or what what I'm doing residential. It's variable right. I can sell 12 homes in a month and zero the next month. And by really reducing my salaries to the lowest. Cost possible and then keeping my showings at a variable I can. I could take two months off and not have a big overhead or crazy, right? So I think this is the way chi that real estate is going. I've coached over 100 realtors on this now and there's an appetite for it, right? People want that that freedom of location, like you tell me, I can go to the beach for a week and still sell real estate. Yeah, you can go visit your kids in college. So I'm excited to bring it to the community. And and I'm excited to see how you guys, because when I share this, there's smart people are going to be like, well, how do I do this in wholesaling? You and I know people that astro flip right and do wholesaling all across virtually. Yeah, we do virtual flipping here. And that's one of the things I wanted to touch on before we go. And I said, there's a few good, uh, gold nuggets there, um, that I really liked that I wanted to address in case anybody missed it. Um, but I love how you pre framing the conversation, uh, with your client, you're letting them know, hey, here's what's going to happen. I think that's why you're not getting those objections. Like, oh why aren't you there any of those things a lot of people don't frame things correctly. And that's why you get a lot of objections. And that's why, like people cause and people have objections, and sometimes they're just questions because they don't understand. But when you set the agenda and you frame it, um, nine times out of ten, even more than that, you can avoid those. Yeah. You get their permission, right? I'm not like, I just flat out like a guy from college hit me up yesterday, and, uh, I barely knew him, but we went to college together, and he follows me on social media, and we had an hour and a half long consult, and I was like, if you don't like this, that's okay. And I know other realtors, like, I'm just straight up like, you know, when people say, well, what if they don't do it? Then you don't have enough people to talk to, right? Because I'm not going to let one person jeopardize my life. Right. I'll let that one go away. And so you I said, this is how I frame it. You know, I, I am big on language and and sales and, and so I would say, Kai, now that you've heard that, is there any reason you wouldn't want to work with me? Is there any reason that wouldn't work? And I want them to say, Dave, that that totally makes sense. Right. So getting their permission and you're right, dude, I, I've seen instances where I've coached people on this and they, they weren't all in and it it blows up in their face. And then I look into their messaging, I'm like, well, here's the problem. You flat out lied to them. You told them on Friday that you would show them the house on Saturday. And then on Saturday you said, I can't make it. John's going to make it. I'm like, what are you doing? You had they you had no intention on showing it to them. You just got to be bold enough to say this is how it's going to be. And so when people try to coddle around it, it just blows up, right? I hear the, hey, it might be me, it might be somebody else. And all you're saying to them is, if somebody else is more important than you, I'm going to go do that. Right? So once I just drew that line in, the sand was like, it's never me. Like, and I just got super clear and I'm convicted on it, and I know it's for their benefit. And I think that's where people are like, I'm not sure if it's for their benefit, but dude, I don't even go to home inspections or final walkthroughs and that's for their benefit. And I think I have a lot of realtors that tell me, oh, you're doing a disservice. I'm like, I think the kindest thing I could do to, to a human being is not be there to add sales pressure to, to the mix, like when I'm standing there like, oh, this isn't a big deal. Oh, we can fix that repair. Like, I think the majority of realtors go there to protect their commission. So I flat out tell them on my one hour zoom gives me all the freedom I want because I set up all the expectations like I won't be there for this. And then if we do repairs, I'm not going to be there either to sign off on it. Do you want the only guy who gets a paycheck when it closes to sign off on the repairs? Why would you spend $75 to have my home inspector come back out and verify that they're like, that's what we want. So I get myself out of all of these by positioning it as a benefit. And it is. And I'll just have some Realtors disagree with me. And that's fine. They think it's self-serving, but. My message is I don't sell houses, I empower people to buy them and I make it easy for them. And I'm an expert negotiator and I'll guide them through it. But buyer don't buy, cancel or don't cancel, right? They can feel that I'm like detached from the process because I'm out there every step of the way. Like, oh, is this going to close? And when you're only closing ten to 10 or 12 deals, like the average realtor, you want to be there to make sure it closes. Yeah. So yeah, the first house we purchased, we took over a couple realtors. Awful experience. And um, yeah, it's funny because, yeah, I didn't really know anything about real estate at the time. Um, so that was a bigger pocket. So I'm like, oh, I just got to get a house 1% rule. You know, all the common things you first learn and, um, yeah, the realtor whole time just tell. It's like, super hungry for the commission. It's very desperate. It's just like it's it's so offputting, like being. It is. And like, literally at closing at the closing table. And there's a few other things to like, a bunch of, like looking back. But at closing, she literally asked the title company, like what? So when do I get my check? Like, when do I get paid? I'm like, uh, it's crazy, man. This this is why this industry gets a bad rap. It rightfully so. I think it's a noble industry. I think what we do, uh, it's the most important thing ever. Like, this is how you build wealth. This is how you do not end up broke like many people. So real estate so dang important. And I believe in it. Uh, so I'm passionate about it. Like, I, I will convince people to buy real estate when I know it's the best thing for them and their dream. Because I've got some amazing stories of, you know, people thanking me because their dad was getting involved or this or that and, and I'll have a hard conversation, but it's never it really isn't for me. Right. For them. But it this industry has a lot of people who are broke and greedy. Let's just be honest. Um, and there's some good I think there's a lot of us that are good. But I'll tell you, my best example of, like, guiding somebody into real estate was an anesthesiologist out of the army, so he had money, right? I knew he had money. He was his base salary was like 250 grand just starting at this firm. And I love to do a consult. Chi where I go deep into the why, I'm like, why are we moving? And I ask it like five times, okay. But you know, that sounds great. Kind of like, why? Oh, now's the right time. Why? Like, I know I sound like I'm stupid, but what? How is this going to change your life? And I want to hear the life changing reason. Because there usually is. But on surface it's going to be we just rather own than rent. We would just rather build some equity. We would just rather have control of our house. Now is the right time. It's all the right answer. But there's something so deep there that they don't want to share, right? So I'm pretty good at getting people to open up and go, why? And you know, you've done it when they go, can I be honest with you? Right. Like here we go. Love it. And he was like, dude, I got two boys, Samuel and Nathaniel, Sam and Nate. There are little prophets, you know, named it after the prophets in the Bible. Those boys have bugout bags by their door. They've only known chaos and moving and moving and moving. And it's time for two to get them settled. And he was not a young kid, right? He's not a doctor. So this is right when the market in Phoenix dipped 12%, right. Interest rates started to spike. The market came down. It was right before that was like August and rates came up what May of 22. So we're talking August. I see his searches all go to rentals. Dude. We're showing them houses were showing them houses. Now I'm seeing rentals, rentals, rentals. He's like, hey, we're gonna put this on pause, talk to my dad. He thinks the market's going to fall. I don't think he's wrong. I think we're going to rent for a year or two. It's settled. I don't need his commission. Right? I mean, that year, I close, like $1.2 million a commission. I made a good year. And I'm like, that's fine, dude, let's get on a call. And I got on a call with them. And I just said, listen, do what you want. It's totally fine. I just as a man to man to man, father to father. When are you going to take that bug out bag out of those boys hands and give them what they need as a father? Mhm. You started crying. But has never had met him in person, only did zooms with him. I ran into him at the mall. Everything, bro. And he just gave me a big old bear hug and he's like, dude, thank you so much. Like, he's so happy he could afford it. Like, this was not me putting someone in a bad financial spot. But if I didn't really go deep in my consult and know what this meant to him, how am I going to help him? And that is my job is to help them. But if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. And so Jeff and we're always like, dude, let's get a beer together, let's hang out. But now, in hindsight, he's on the home for two years. I think his 5.75 interest rates sounds pretty good, doesn't it, compared to now. And the dude's made some equity. But more importantly, his kids are settled right now. I know what that means needs to be right. And so that's a I think that applies to all of us, dude. We're all serving people. We're all helping people. Yeah. Uh, we got to know what's really at the heart of this to really influence people for the right way. Right? I love that I think that that's so important to you. And I feel like a lot of people, if they haven't done sales before, they don't really have a sales backer. You don't realize, like a lot of people get a lot of anxiety when it's finally time to, like, pull the trigger and they get to that point and then they let other people get in their ear, whether it's a well-meaning family member or whatever. It's like very easy. Like they get doubt, creep in, and then they just don't take the action, even if they know deep down it's the right thing. Um, it's just so easy for them to just stall. And that's usually why that happens. It is man. And I know his dad had the right intention. I'm a dad of five. I'm going to be in their ear when they're going to buy. Right. And so a good salesperson with a good heart and a good intention is, is a really a gift to help people get through that, that uncertainty. Because it's hard man. That was his first house. You don't want to make a mistake. Mhm. Right. So um yeah that was a good story and I've got plenty like that. But I love being part of that when I know it's for the good of others. You know, that's you. And I know the best time to buy a house was 30 years ago. Don't we all wish we had paid off houses? Right. And so people will just delay for very silly reasons. And in a real estate, it's going to bite you in the butt when you keep the land, right? So so you have leverage. Like leverage is just the key to the life that we want. But if you're getting leverage the in the old fashioned way, there's just there's just I would just say better or worse forms of it. Right. So I just have the gift of perspective of having like no leverage, getting a lot of leverage. But it was super expensive. And then getting now to this form of leverage. And that's why I've rebranded myself as Leverage Agent, because I want to make change, man. I want my my heart's for moms and dads. Like it is cool. I've got some kids that are in their 20s making like six, 700 grand a year, and that's cool. But what I love seeing is I've got testimonials of people are like, I got my life back, I need to get my kids. I took all these vacations with them and that freedom to be with their kids, that's my that's my passion is like, because you got to decide, man, if you don't have leverage in my game, it's like 30 sales before you start self-sabotaging, right? You're just like, oh, like, hey, dad, what are we doing today? We're going to go to the zoo ring. You're like, oh, it's a sign call. Maybe we're not going to the zoo. Like, hey, buddy, I got to pay for college. I got to pay for your wedding, so dad needs to take this call. You're like, yeah, I'll meet you at the property. And I've done that. I've left Memorial Day parties in my yard where I've got slides and barbecues going, and I'm like, I'm slipping out to go show a house. Right? So you, you, you start to self-sabotage and you don't even know it, right? You know, because you're just like, consciously. Yeah. You're like, this commission threatens what I really want. So you're always going to gravitate towards your deepest desires, right? And so now in this model, dude, I have none of that. It never gets in the way. So I'm like, go see house, go see houses, right? I love that we end up going to Disney. I might write an offer, but it takes me two minutes to write an offer and I do it through a video call. I just record my video, send it to my assistant. She writes the offer. So once you put all those things in place, sky's the limit. Yeah. No, I love that. I think it's it's crazy. Like how almost outdated. I can't do a better word that, you know, traditional real estate is even more so wholesaling just as far as like systems and using leverage or using automations using Vas. I mean, there's so many other industries do it with such success, and it's just almost like such an old school mentality. I feel like that you have to be the one there. You have to shake the hands and you gotta knock the doors and you're going to get all your first. You're going to get all your deals just on referrals and don't pay. Dad's don't do any kind of leverage. And it's like, it sounds awful. You literally just you're creating a prison for yourself and you are you can make good money, but you are. Yeah. And I think that the biggest shift for me too, because this sounds easy on the buyer side, it's much more accepted. But I shifted to sellers, uh, two summers ago, and I think so. That was my first summer really testing it out. We were on the East Coast, you know, so we're in Arizona where it gets 175 degrees in the summer and everything dies. We leave, uh, we go up to Maine, we go up to Massachusetts, we go up to that part of the country. And I'm like, I'm going to really test this on listings. Um, and I did like 58, 59,000 of listing commissions that that month of July all virtually all virtually. I was like like, okay, this worked. And I honestly, I think Covid is what open the door for that like zoom calls. So once you say, hey, I know we've been talking about selling your home, let's get on a zoom call. And then we go through the whole process and we do my listing presentation, do all of that. And what helps me is I have a five step listing. I have a five option listing presentation. Right. And so I'm like, I can wholesale your home. I can pay cash for it. I can join Venture Fix and flip it for you so my crew can come in and flip it. We'll split and then I charge you a 9% listing. You'll make all the upside, and I'll be your hard money lender. So I offer that. I'm like, we could do just your traditional MLS. Which of these works for you? So once you start doing that virtually, people are like, dude, I just want to cash offer. Well, now I send a contractor out there, right? I'm like, great. Next step is this person's coming. Oh, I think we want to do the fix and flip like joint venture contractors coming out. I really think we want to do just the traditional MLS. Great. I'm going to have my runner come out, take a look at the house, do some photos, send it back to me. Then we'll get together back on another zoom call. As soon as you say, this is what we're going to do, this is what we're going to do. Do you? How many people are like, well, well, when do you come out? Do you? They don't say that because you're like, this is who's coming out and this is the process and you just say it confidently. So once I get my photographer out there, they're going to shoot some pictures, send it back to me, we're going to take some notes. I'm going to have my my auditors would call them. So the auditor is going to come out. They're an expert kind of looking at the house and all of that. Once it gets back to me, I'm going to have all the material. I'm going to know your exact odds of selling. I'm going to give you your absorption rate. I'll give you your price, and we'll jump back on the call and we get on the zoom. Go, like sounds good. Let's do it. So once you so even listings, you don't have to go out to the house because I mean, how many houses are you going out to on the, on the homes that you're part of. Do you want all of them? No, no, I don't go to anyone. Yeah. Like if I can avoid it. Like, they're like real like old timer. They're down the street, like once in a while I might, but yeah. No, I yeah, I try to avoid it like the plague. Yeah. We use a lot of leverage, a little bit different. We use a lot of AI and automations and um, we do have VA's as well, but, uh, yeah, it was kind of eye opening for me because the first thing I tried to do, like everybody else was doing it, recommended go out there, shake the hands. And I have a I've been an astronaut for almost ten years. And like another of my other businesses, if I done this, like, why am I doing this? And, uh, yeah, it's crazy when you stop going out and realize, hey, I don't have to. And then I'm like, wait, if I don't have to do it here, I can do it all over the country. Yeah, yeah, I got an agent I'm coaching. He's in ten markets. Um, that's hard for me to do a wholesaling for sure, for flipping. But I'm like, ooh, how do I get somebody in a market I've never been in? Is this a good school district? Is this like, you know what I mean? Like, there's discomfort there where I'm like, I don't know if I'm ready for that. Like, he's doing great. He's crushing it. Uh, but I'm like, ah, am I the best fit to help somebody buy a home in New York? I don't even know New York. You know what I mean? Uh, buying houses for sure. But, like, guiding, I'm a and that could be a limiting belief for me, right? Because I know the transaction. Do I really need to know that or can I put the onus back on them like, hey, this is what I'm great at. But if you want to know the best school districts, I could tell you the first four websites I would go to. If you want to know if it's a safe neighborhood. That's not for me to decide, because, I mean, I've had Break-Ins in $2 million neighborhoods, right? Like what's safe? Like go to crime stats. So maybe it's limiting beliefs on me that I'm not able to help people in other markets? I think so, because honestly, a lot of, uh, other agents won't tell you. I mean, because they're technically not supposed to tell you, like, you're guide you in certain areas. So, I mean, I kept when I know we were buying our first house, we kept getting like vague hints and why we shouldn't go there. And yeah, right over my head because I'm not. Yeah. I'm like, I like to be straightforward and blunt and like, that area is industrial, if you know what I mean. Like, I don't know what you mean. What is industrial? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. There is sometimes I, I wonder if I'm getting test because they, they'll like, audit you and they'll try to get you for violations. And people just ask the dumbest questions, not dumbest, but like insulting, like, hey, do you know if there's these types of people that live over there? You're like, oh man. Like, that's not even something we could talk about. Yeah, I want to make sure I'm close to this type of church. Are those are these types of people in those areas or like, are you testing me? Is this for like a HUD violation, you know, a fair housing violation? So yeah, I think I know the consumer side, but most people don't even know, like at first, I can tell you that the real estate is not, uh, or the agent. The realtor is not allowed to tell you that stuff. So. Right. I think it's just like, oh, like, why is this guy not telling me? But I think it's so much smarter to pre frame it. And like, here are the here's how you can do your own research and learn about the area. Definitely. I'm not allowed to steer you. Here's what you should give you. Yeah. Yeah, that that has me thinking, you know, can I expand it other markets. Right. But you know where my sales are at a great like I'm at I'm not that stage. Right. I got to grow grow grow you know keep this sales volume and coach and teach as many agents as possible. And and you know my passion. Now, what we're doing a lot of is we're training people's Vas for them. That's the best. So I reached out to like a group of 30 agents here in Arizona, like, hey, you guys know I crush it with Vas. Why don't you have a VA? And the number one answer is like, uh, I don't know where to find them, uh, what to pay them and how to train them. So I was like, okay, that makes sense. I'm like, so if I found them give you like ten to interview, you pick the best one. And then I trained them for 80 hours. Would would that be helpful? 100% of the people on the call did it. So my first month I'm onboarding a bunch of Vas. But that's what we're doing now. Kai is like because I think that is where people that's where they get stuck. Yeah, like sounds great, but now what? So, uh, you know, that's how we'll help people. It's like, listen, I've got like hundreds of SOPs and videos and processes and we'll just take their VA for 80 hours, we'll train them, and then we give them, like, all the material, like, here are all of my standard operating procedures on everything that I do. So that's my passion. I was like empowering realtors to just like pick up my franchise, pick up my playbook, and then we'll train it. Then you go. And it's been super rewarding to watch people like, just not have to go through the pain that I did. I mean, training people is not easy when you agree it could be difficult. Yeah. Oh yeah, I hate it. Yeah. It's uh yeah, it's frustrating and time consuming. And then hopefully you hired the right one and they say, and it's, uh. Yeah. I think, you know, that's abusing those videos and doing those things. It's huge. Yeah. Yeah, man. But now I think that's great I think. Yeah. So one more thing I wanted to touch on to you that I forgot was, um. So. So, Amy, um, do you have to be a, you have to have your license to get on there? Well, that's a good question. That's a really good question. I don't know, I'll find out. Uh, you got to have your license, obviously, to go show. Um, but I don't know if you need a license to sign up, you know, because I know we've used it in the past. I don't remember if you had. That's why I was asking. Uh, but. No, it's a great resource. I think it's super valuable for anyone if you don't, you know, partner with real estate. Who does? Because, I mean, if you're doing virtual stuff, you can literally have realtor go out there, pay them. They can show your buyer, you know, the property walkthrough and they have that, you know, trust more trustworthiness over to some random person off Craigslist down the street because they have their license, they have their background checks. And, you know, they have to, you know, they have ethical obligations. So I think that was a great tip you gave earlier. Yeah. I'm going to text, uh, I'm a taxi owner and, and see, I'm sure it's on their website, but that I know he says like the big companies, the big, uh, property management companies are using them now. Okay. So I, I even use it in I have 16 doors here in the valley when I need stuff. Sometimes I just call them if I can't get Ahold of a of a handyman or a cleaner, I'll just. I'll just hit show on me. I'm like, did you go, like, do this and unlock this door? Like, kind of give them tasks and we use it for even pictures? Oh, yeah. Pictures. Right. Like so if I have a tenant move out. Um, because I do pad splits. Um, do we talk about pad splits? We did off the call, but yeah, I'd love to. If you want to share it on here, that'd be great. Yeah. I'll give a two minute blurb on that. So, like with pad splits, I'll need people out there more frequent. So perhaps it's only in like 16 markets I think I know it's I started in Georgia. It's in Florida. It's in Arizona I don't know all the markets, but it's basically a blend of verbose and long terms. And what I found was my long term rentals for about 39,000 and, and what I, I just broke this down for a call of for a bunch of realtors. I was showing them on pad splits cost me 39,000 right to to take a four bedroom, two bath home that was generated about 3000 a month of rent. Okay. And that was that was netting about 900 bucks a month of income. So that was my cash flow. I spent 39 to put two bedrooms in the garage with a mini split AC and a split, a bedroom in the dining room and a bedroom in the living room. And now I'm an eight bedroom, two bath home. And that I just got paid on that yesterday. That property brought me a net income of $6,000 last month. Wow. So that's super cool. Your your rent it's it's a win win. Like it's cheap for not net income I'm sorry. That was my top line income. So I went from about 8900 a month to a net of 3100. Okay. Yeah. So so I'm more than three exceed my income, and I'm going to get back that 38,000 in 16 months. That's like a 68% cash on cash return. Right. And shoot over the over a ten year period. It makes me like a quarter of $1 million extra to to build that build out. And you're covering the utilities internet. And what's cool is you could go in at any time. Right. So if you've got like a long term rental, like you got to get notice to go in there, right? We can walk in tomorrow because they have right to privacy in their rooms, but not in the communal area. So we're changing the air filters every two weeks or every month, and my cleaners in there every two weeks. So even with a house cleaning and doing these things, I'm still bringing an extra 31, 30, 100 and I get eyes on the property far more often. And then the tenants or members, as they call them, let me do they're they're spending 200 bucks a week with internet. Like where are they going to go for that? So I think it's it's a win win, like low income housing with much higher cash on cash return. Right. So pad splits huge huge win for me. That's a huge gold nugget especially you know, if you got a house and you know the rents aren't quite matching. Um, but the interest rates are now and then right. Yeah. So instead of like acquiring more I'm converting. Right. So like I don't want to go buy new stuff at today's interest rates. So I'm converting old stuff. Right. And um, what was the other thing I was going to say on that? Uh, I lost my mind, man. There was something on there. Oh, and then if you cost segregate like I do, cost segregation, massive tax increase. So the more windows, walls and wires you have and if you do cost sag, uh, huge benefit. So it'll up my tax depreciation per property from like 20 grand to 33 grand. You get a huge tax bump, um, on the depreciation because of all those added walls and windows. So that's awesome. I got some great tips. Yeah I love it man. Thank you so much for coming out. I want to take too much of your time so you guys can get over to Disney and enjoy your weekend. Um, what? Um, if somebody says, hey, I love what you're doing, it's super interesting. I want to get involved with you or learn more about Dave and connect with you. Um, what's the best way for them to do that? Yeah. Uh, leverage agent. So leverage node. Leverage agent. Org. They can book a time, they can see what I'm doing. Book a time on there and do it. I'll get my cell phone. If somebody just wants to hit me up and say, no, I don't want to book a calendar event. You know, my cell is (480) 332-6468. If you Google Dave Z Dave Zelensky, you should generally find me. But yeah man, that's my passion is is is helping people unlock, lock some leverage and go live the life they want to live now. Hey, this is Kyle. Thank you for listening to the podcast. I truly appreciate you. If you want more of this information and you want to see these actually recorded live, go ahead, join our Facebook group. It's a real estate wholesaling syndicate. It's right on Facebook. Google it. You'll find it typing on Facebook. You'll find it. I look forward to seeing you guys in there. We give a ton of free information in there, a bunch of free trainings, free courses and get all the scripts, contracts, everything you need A to Z absolutely free and I look forward to seeing you on the group. 

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